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ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
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The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University. Founded in 2001, JCPC (ISSN 1598-267X) is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes the contribution of both articles and book reviews. The editors of JCPC are committed to insuring the integrity of its published content and toward that end all authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial and advisory boards associated with the journal are expected to fully adhere to our publication ethics and malpractice policies as described below.
All authors must adhere to the following regulations; they must insure:
All reviewers must adhere to the following regulations; they must:
The editors are responsible for insuring that the review process is fair, swift, and as transparent as possible. In particular, they are tasked with implementing and maintaining the standards and process of peer review described in the following section. They are also responsible for investigating and deciding any apparent cases of misconduct that they perceive or that are brought to their attention as described in the concluding two sections of this statement of publication ethics and malpractice.
Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable; any suspicion of plagiarism will be vigorously investigated by the editors. If confirmed, plagiarism is sufficient grounds for immediate rejection of a submission and the offending authors will be banned from making further submissions to the journal.
Recycling of one's own previously published work should be avoided as much as possible and if deemed excessive by reviewers or editors can be grounds for rejecting a given submission. When the duplication of previous work is necessary for advancing a new argument or line of inquiry, the cited work must be properly cited and the extent of overlap with the previously published essay(s) must be clearly indicated in the submission itself.
The editors are committed to maintain the highest ethical standards in managing the business of the journal and we encourage anyone who suspects misconduct to contact us immediately. Every report of suspected misconduct will be investigated collectively by the editorial team: i.e., the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, and managing editor.
Under normal circumstances, the Editor-in-Chief is responsible for leading all investigations brought to the attention of the editorial team. Should the Editor-in-Chief be accused or implicated in a charge of misconduct, the Associate Editor will take responsibility for the investigation.
As part of the investigation the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor will contact both parties involved in any conflict; they will explain and ask them to respond to the accusation and will study and if need, be further investigate their responses. No decision will be reached and no action will be taken without sufficient evidence of misconduct.
If the case involves another journal, its Editor-in-Chief will be contacted and both editorial teams will investigate and work to arrive at a shared decision.
The editors of JCPC endorse the International Standards for Editors and Authors set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These standards, which can be found at https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors, serve as a comprehensive guide for maintaining ethical practices in publishing for both editors and authors. By aligning with these standards, we strive to ensure the highest level of integrity and professionalism in our journal.
Related regulation: The Code of Ethics.pdf