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ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
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The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture(JCPC, ISSN 1598-267X) is the only peer-reviewed, English language journal primarily focused on research concerning the history and contemporary relevance of Confucianism, while also welcoming submissions on a wide range of topics within East Asian philosophy, as well as broader philosophical inquiries, especially those relating to Confucian philosophy or culture.
It was first published in 2001 by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University for the purpose of interpreting and exploring Confucianism from a modern perspective. From 2007, it sought to integrate broader academic dialogue by publishing articles in Chinese and English. From August 2019, JCPC will strengthen its international network and broaden its global presence by concentrating on articles written in English.
The journal is cross-disciplinary in its outlook and presents work from philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, theologians, political scientists as well as other disciplines. JCPC examines the historical, doctrinal, literary, social, and political developments that have formed contemporary versions of Confucianism for the purpose of interpreting and exploring Confucianism from a modern perspective.
The Journal is indexed in Scopus, ESCI, AtlaSerials, BAS (Bibliography of Asian Studies), MLA Directory of Periodicals, Philosopher's Index, PhilPapers, DOAJ, KOAJ and KCI (Korea Citation Index).
The Scope of JCPC include: