Submission Guidelines
Please note: The e-submission system is currently under construction, so submissions via email are required until further notice.
General Guidelines
- • Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC) welcomes unsolicited submissions, representing a broad range of academic and professional fields and points of view, by qualified authors from around the world. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus.
- • JCPC is published biannually (in February and August) and accepts submissions of papers throughout the year
JCPC welcomes
- - research articles (6,000–10,000 words)
- - book reviews (2,000-2,500 words)
- - feature book reviews (5,000-6,000 words)
- - proposals for guest issues
- - proposals for bibliographic essays on specific topics and areas
- • All unsolicited articles are subject to peer review.
- • There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
- • The submission of a paper will be taken to imply that the author will automatically agree that upon its acceptance for publication its copyright will belong to the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University. All authors should sign the CTA (Copyright Transfer Agreement) form when their manuscript is submitted. For detailed copyright guidelines and CTA, click Copyright Transfer Agreement.pdf
- • Full disclosure is required when you submit your paper to a journal. JCPC will firstly use this information to inform his or her editorial decisions. JCPC may then publish such disclosures to assist readers in evaluating the article. Or, instead, the journal may decide not to publish your article on the basis of any declared conflict of interest. You can declare the competing interest in Conflict of interest form.pdf
- • JCPC also follows the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License as an open access journal.
Manuscript preparation and checklist
1. Exclusivity of Submission
Manuscripts submitted to JCPC must be exclusive. They should not have been published previously or be under review for publication elsewhere.
2. Scope
JCPC welcomes articles on topics including, but not limited to:
Confucian thought and culture
Book analyses
Research articles or dissertations on related subjects
Critical reviews on academic trends, particularly in the arts and humanities, with a focus on Confucianism and East Asian studies.
3. Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be written in English and submitted as an email attachment to
4. Submission Checklist
- - File Format: Submit manuscripts in Word format (.doc or .docx).
- - Length: Articles should ideally be 6,000–10,000 words, including footnotes, indented quotations, and references.
- - Abstract: Provide an abstract of up to 250 words for original articles, along with up to six keywords.
- - Sequence of title page, abstract and keywords, main text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends, and figures. All pages numbered consecutively, starting with the abstract.
- - Title page with article title, authors’ full name(s), academic title(s) and affiliation(s), corresponding author’s e-mail, mailing address, running title (less than 50 characters), and acknowledgments, if any.
- - Authors should use the in-text citations (author-date system) and bibliography system of Chicago Manual of Style. References listed in proper format. All references listed in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa. For more detailed guidelines, refer to Style and Citation Guidelines.
- - Figures as separate files, in EPS, TIFF, Adobe Photoshop (PSD), JPEG, or PPT format.