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ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
ISSN : 1598-267X (Print) / 2734-1356 (Online)
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For all inquiries, including manuscript submissions, editorial matters, and production-related inquiries, please use the following contact details:
Managing Editor: Eun-a KIM
Email : jcpc@skku.edu
Doil KIM (Director of the ICPC, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University
Address: RM404, 600th Anniversary Hall, 25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 03063
Website: https://ygmh.skku.edu/
Tel: +82-2-760-0788