Best Practice
Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture
The journal strictly adheres to the ethical guidelines for research and publication outlined by widely recognized organizations such as COPE ( , DOAJ (, OASPA (, and WAME ( These organizations have established and commonly agreed upon guidelines that ensure transparency, integrity, and best practices in scholarly publishing. By following their guidelines, we uphold the highest standards in our publication process.
- 1. Website
- 2. Name of journal
- 3. Peer review process
- 4. Ownership and management
- 5. Governing body
- 6. Editorial team and contact information
- 7. Copyright and licensing
- 8. Author fees
- 9. Publication ethics
- 10. Publishing schedule
- 11. Archiving
- 12. Revenue sources
- 13. Advertising
- 14. Direct marketing
1. Website:
- 1. The URL address of official journal web site:
- 2. ‘Aims & Scope’ statement: It is described at the masthead page.
- 3. Readership: It is primarily for researchers in the field of Confucianism, its history and contemporary relevance. Its readership can be expanded to other cross-disciplinary: philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, theologians, political scientists as well as other disciplines.
- 4. Authorship criteria: It is described at the Instructions to authors.
- 5. Duplicate submission and redundant publication: It is described at the Instructions to authors.
- 6. pISSN: 1598-267X eISSN; 2734-1356
2. Name of journal
The official journal title is Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture. Abbreviated title is JCPC.
3. Peer review process
It is described at the Peer Review Policy. JCPC adopts double-blind peer review.
4. Ownership and management
- 1. Information about the ownership: This journal is owned by the publisher, the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University (
- 2. Management team of a journal.
- 3. Journal management team (2019-2022)
- - Director of the ICPC: Doil KIM (Sungkyunkwon University, Korea)
- - Managing Editor: Eun-a KIM (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
- - Copyeditor: Lyndsey Twining
- - Managing Assistant: Kyohui KANG (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
- - Layout Editor: Myeongjin Jeong
5. Governing body
The governing body is the journal's editorial board.
6. Editorial team and contact information
- 1. Editorial team is available from Editorial Board page at the front part of the journal.
- 2. Contact information
Euna KIM
Managing Editor
(03063) RM404, 600th Anniversary Hall, Sungkyunkwan University
25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel : +82-2-760-0788 E-mail :
7. Copyright and licensing
- 1. Copyright policy: All published papers become the permanent property of the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (ICPC), Sungkyunkwan University. Copyrights of all published materials are owned by the ICPC and permission must be obtained from the ICPC for any commercial use of materials. Every author should sign the copyright transfer agreement form.
- 2. Licensing information: The JCPC provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This is identical to the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) License.

This CC-BY-NC-ND license means that anyone may freely read, download, distribute and make the article available to the public (in printed and electronic form), provided that the author and the journal as the source are acknowledged, whereas no commercial use is allowed and the work may not be altered, transformed or serve as the basis for a derivative work.
- 3. Deposit policy: According to the deposit policy (self-archiving policy) of Sherpa/Romeo(, authors cannot archive pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing),but they can archive post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing). Authors can archive publisher's version/PDF.
8. Author fees
Neither page charge, article processing fee nor submission fee will be applied. It is the platinum open access journal.
9. Publication ethics
- 1. Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement: It is described at the Publication Ethics and attached Code of Ethics file.
- 2. Journal policies on conflicts of interest / competing interests: It is described at the Publication Ethics attached to regulation of the Code of Ethics.
- 3. Journal's options for post-publication discussions and corrections: The post-publication discussion is available through letter to editor. If any readers have a concern on any articles published, they can submit letter to editor on the articles. If there founds any errors or mistakes in the article, it can be corrected through errata, corrigenda, or retraction.
10. Publishing schedule
It is to be published biannually. Supplement issues may be published.
11. Archiving
It is accessible without barrier from National Library of Korea ( in the event a journal is no longer published.
12. Revenue sources
Revenue sources of journal were from the support of publisher (Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University), Korea Government’s support, or advertising rates.
13. Advertising
JCPC accepts advertisements on the following basis:
Eligibility of the advertised products or services
All products or services should be safe and reliable, and not cause any harm to the health and welfare of humans. Advertisements may promote information and technologies relevant for authors, editors, reviewers, and readers. Pharmaceutical products may also be considered.
- - Advertising is separate from content. Advertisers and sponsors have no advance knowledge of our editorial contents, nor do the editors have advance knowledge of advertisers. Content is never altered, added, or deleted to accommodate advertising. Advertisers and sponsors have no input regarding any of our editorial decisions or advertising policies.
- - JCPC reserves the right to decline or cancel any advertisement at any time.
Any individuals or organizations who are interested in advertising their products or services in the print copies of the journal or on its website are encouraged to contact the editorial office. The acceptance of advertisement will be discussed by the editorial board and will be ultimately approved by the publisher.
Advertisement fee
For one print copy issue, the advertisement price for one whole page is USD 1,000 (or KRW 1,000,000). If the advertisement is half a page, the price is reduced by half. For a quarter of the page, this price is reduced by one quarter. For banner advertisements on the website, the price is negotiable according to the duration of its exposure on the journal homepage. The price is usually greater than that for print copies.
- - Liability: Neither the publisher nor the editors will be legally liable for advertisements presented in the journal. In addition, they cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided.
- - Endorsement: The publisher and the editors do not endorse any products or services that are advertised.
- - Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the authors will be legally liable for any of the content of advertisements, so readers must keep this in mind when reading or seeing advertisements.
14. Direct marketing
Journal propagation has been done through the journal web site and distribution of an introduction pamphlet. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on the presenters at conferences, seminars, or workshops if the topic is related to the journal's aims and scope.